This is a bunch of text posts I can put on the web and you can read them.
It's like a blog, or maybe a journal, but not edited, and way more random.
I apologize for the formatting and lack of search, this is more like text goes from my brain to splat, oops, on a page.
I can at least try to post the most recent on top. It's easier and I don't need to scroll down.
Click here to go back to the main site and escape.
1 8 2025
Enjoying the pain and suffering and some fun of making websites like it's the 90s again.
I recently played Hypnospace: Outlaw and this is pretty much what things looked like, yeah.
I think maybe this is fun but also it reminds me of work cause I program in my work hours.
The nostalgia feels like home a bit, growing up I was totally in on using computers late into the night,
browsing stuff like geocities and wondering what everyone was into.
Anyone remember those m.u.s.h. things? Like you would telnet type and like, have to role play stuff.
Cause it had no graphics and most had no mechanics either. It was like multiplayer zork but mostly a chat room.
I liked it cause I could be a gryphon, or anything. It was freeing but also a nightmare of trying to understand descriptions and typing fast to say hello.
Kinda neat but no way in hell modern kids will play it. Too much typing.
For writers though, was like heaven. I think you can still track them down to play.
But by now I lost track of all the new mush features and stuff. Apparently they now have combat and fancy features and turned too complicated I think.
Also I kind of feel like they are now tedious to do stuff together, compared to modern games.
I do think sometimes about bringing back those vibes of self creation, but with like, controller and speech to text or something.
What that would look like. Would anyone modern play it? Probably not. Just a little world for me, myself, and I.
Looking at it that way it seems not worth the bother. By now games and people have moved on.
Such is the trap of Nostalgia. It eventually makes you just sad.
Better to imagine what the future could be. What future games and worlds will let us role play?
What will the new generation think of doing to connect?