"Or something that sounds like him." - a Mary Poppins old movie line stuck in my head rent free.
I fixed the css so now it won't make your eyes bleed. These colors work for now.
This is all very much work in progress, experimental, and mostly unprofessional.
It's like a dumping ground for all the floof in my brain. You may look at it in wonder (and maybe horror).
Are you a neocities member who wants the follow page for this site? Click here, maybe it works!
I found this row of birbs from Strawberry Bunny's GIFS I thought they looked cute so might as well let them perch here. Go see their site for more cute animals.
Here is a bigger one from the same artist cause these are like the cutest floof balls.
I try to keep this site positive or like, thoughtful, or something artsy I guess? But sometimes the art goes splat and oops, a scary or offensive thought.
Of all my places on the net, this is going to be my most unprofessional. The most me. But it is ok if that means it is not you. There are plenty of other websites to visit if you ever feel uncomfortable. I'd start with the moonbow site down in Some Other Things section, or itch.io cause it's cool, or like maybe bing search cause you can look up images of cats and yarn and make silly art. I might edit this to actually link to things.
Will add more here as I figure this out or find time. Bookmark for anticipation.
The wait may not pay off, but I can promise the anticipation part is kind of exciting.
Imagine what I could put here instead of this text. Mmm...anticipation and imagination.
Other places on the web that I hang out at, where I am much more professional and less birdbrained.
The below is all boring template stuff I have not deleted yet.
You can just pretend this part is the bottom. Scroll down for the horror of an unused account.
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Here's how to make a list:
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!